Order ADMIN-SJ-1

Bookblock Everyday

Personalised Notebook

Order Status
Not Ordered
This is a 3D generated preview of your order. Depending on your specific customisations and and extra requests the finished product may differ.

Total Order Price

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Price per unit after discount


Minimum order quantity is .

-0% Bulk Discount

Price per unit before discount


Order Breakdown

Basic Price
Product size
Paper type
Ivory 90 GSM Ruled - 192 pages
Cover colour
{"label":"Vivella 4716","colorset":9812,"texture":11718}
Elastic colour
Ribbon colour
Looking for anything extra?

In addition to customisations you can choose on the site we can add or change almost anything to make you a perfect fit.

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Instruction Files and Attachments

We kindly ask you to carefully study all of the instructional files generated specifically for your order, and then check and upload remaining artworks according to the instructions.